The idea of diamond engagement rings is more recent than you can imagine. It wasn’t until the 1930s that diamond engagement rings became the universal standard.
Most famously, Kate Middleton (now Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge) and actress/model Rebecca Romijn swayed away from the norm to opt for an oval sapphire and a yellow diamond, respectively, as the main stone for their engagement rings.
Learn more about non-diamond engagement rings in this article from MarksSchneiderDesign.

To Diamond or Not to Diamond: Are Non-Diamond Engagement Rings a Wise Choice?
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Whether they’re round brilliant cut, princess cut, or pear-shaped, diamonds are a timeless emblem of love and longevity. Diamonds signify a deep-abiding love between two people.
However, the use of diamonds for an engagement ring is a relatively recent development.
Engagement bands date back to Ancient Egypt, but the first recorded exchange of a diamond engagement ring was not until 1477 by the Archduke Maximilian of Austria to his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. As a result, diamond engagement rings became popular among the aristocracy, but were not feasible for the masses until approximately 1870. View full post.
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