Selling gold is a reliable way to earn some fast cash. No matter what the current state of economy, you will find buyers for gold any time you venture out to find one. If you’re out trying to sell old gold, you need to figure out where to sell it for your most convenience.
Between pawnshops, gold parties and hotel buys, it’s hard to find reliable ways to sell your gold.
Erin Peterson from gives you five.
Sell old gold for cash

It's not a bad idea to sell your old gold jewelry or coins to help you ride out the recession. Just don't expect to get the full market value for an ounce of gold that you hear so much about.
First, you'll get a portion of the scrap value, not the market value, for your gold. Buyers melt the gold down, so they will not pay anything for the artisanship or style of the jewelry. Second, dealers must pay a smelter, someone who melts the gold, up to 30 percent of the value to refine the precious metal. Then there's the buyer's profit. See full post here
To get the best value for your gold, sell it to Ware Jewelers. Visit now